Nomination Form


Nomination Application



Your Name
(Association), hereby nominate:
First Name
Last Name
Property Address
City, State, Zip
Mailing Address (if different from property)
Name of Association
Signature of Nominee
Outside Activites
I believe I would be an asset to the association because
I hereby certify that I have owned a unit/lot in the association referenced above for at least one year and otherwise qualify to be a director of the association.
You may submit your own name on this nomination application. In order to ensure that a nominee's name is printed on the annual meeting ballot, the candidate application must be returned to HOA Inspector of Elections no later than ____________, 21____. at 5:00 pm. You can either mail or email the nomination application as follows: Mail to: 5776 Lindero Canyon Road, # D-131 Agoura Hills, CA 91301, or email it using this form.

Thank You.

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